2020-03-04 * Uploaded to website. 2020-03-03 * Modified drawPoint, drawCurve, drawParametric in Graphite2D to remove non-numerics for drawing point/line. 2020-02-26 * Modified getExprssions in Helper.js to ignore commas within expressions. Example: [pow(sin(t),3),pow(cos(t),3)] 2020-02-25 * Detecting URL parameters moved from PHP to JavaScript method URLParams in MathBin.js. 2020-02-13 * Added Quality (nticks) slider/textbox for "curve" and "parametric". 2020-02-12 * Moved cdf files from /interactive/cdf folder to /mma/cdf folder. * Added nice method to scaleX and scaleY. * Created graphite version of CDF for archimedean-spiral-2d.php. * Removed autorun option. All forms automatically call doStart after page is loaded. 2020-02-01 * Include graphite.js, etc. only if JavaScript bin. * Added divFlex to control placement of frmBin and divOut. Default positions: frmBin is left, divOut is right. * divOut contains one or more divs, usually one for graph and one for text. 2020-01-29 * Remove from factor-binomial.php: $blurb = "Factors a polynomial of the form xn ± yn"; * Remove from polygon-by-circumcircle-2d.php: $blurb = "Plots a n-sided regular polygon inscribed in a unit circle. Each vertex (point) of the polygon is found by finding n evenly spaced points on the circumference of the circle. The interior angles of a regular polygon add up to (n - 2) * 180 degrees."; * Bins that have both JS and MMA: factorial.php, prime-factorization.php 2020-01-27 * Modified JavaScript bins: bisection-method-2d.php, function-2d.php, functions-2d.php, newtons-method-2d.php, rectangle-method-2d.php, secant-method.php, simpsons-rule-2d.php, trapezoidal-rule-2d.php. * Modified interactive/inc/head.php file. 2020-01-10 * Upgraded to version 5.15 of d3, which caused minor changes in Graphite2D.js * Changed scale.linear() to scaleLinear(). See: https://observablehq.com/@d3/d3-scalelinear * Changed x-axis from d3.svg.axis().scale(rangeX).orient("bottom").ticks(10); to d3.axisBottom(rangeX).ticks(10); * Changed y-axis from d3.svg.axis().scale(rangeY).orient("left").ticks(10); to d3.axisLeft(rangeY).ticks(10); * Changed x-axis grid from .classed("grid x_grid", true) to .attr('class', 'grid gridX') * Changed y-axis grid from .classed("grid y_grid", true) to .attr('class', 'grid gridY') * Changed x-axis from .classed("labels x_labels", true) to .attr('class', 'axis axisX') * Changed y-axis from .classed("labels y_labels", true) to .attr('class', 'axis axisY') * Added resize method to resize graph when parent is resized. 2020-01-01 * D3 namespaces: svg, xhtml, xlink, xml, xmlns. * Not currently using function-plot - only d3. * Add points to graph. See: https://medium.com/@binyamin/d3-select-selectall-data-enter-and-exit-f0e4f0d3e1d0 * Tutorial: https://www.lynda.com/D3-js-tutorials/D3-js-Essential-Training-Data-Scientists/504428-2.html